Friday, August 12, 2005

This is my very first blog.

And as most people who know me well know very well that, i suck at writing such things and especially in english :D. However, just because i find some time-pass and fun in it i am continuing. And ofcourse, i have been waiting for a good oppurtunity to share my moments i faced in sarnoff.

I still remeber the saying that my lecturer used to tell that, " Usually you dont enjoy much as long as u r in the journey. once u r off the journey, u begin to enjoy every part of it ". May be i am finding it true !!

After a long await, i happened to get a sudden(!) phone interview, through which i could get through and was given the date of joining for my internship as 11th of June. I planned to go home for a day or two, and then to joing Sarnoff, Bangalore (as bangalore was very near to my home town).
On the day I started from Hyd. to my HUP, i started running slight fever. and by the time i reached home my fever reached the peak. and i was actually a bit nervous abt how i was going to deal with the things in such a prestegious company alone, that too with such health condition.
Some how, i reached Bangalore, just before the day i was supposed to report in the office, and planned to stay with my uncle and sister. My health was so bad that, i was not even able to walk through the roads to search for the company's exact location. My father accompanied me in finding it out as i was not well.
After a very long bus journey followed by a long walk, we reached the road which was suggested by the address given by the company. By that time i was abt to fell down. So my father let me sit at some place and started from there. After 30-35 mins, he came back, saying "u r gone buddy. It is damn far from here."

The struggle started !!

And the next day, though i was running high fever, i started to my office. I observed that, it was 1 hr bus journey followed by 20 Min.s walk.

God !! Here started the whole fun.

I went to the grandeur office. and my office was in the first floor. as i didnt have patience to go by stares so i chose the lift option ! ... ( continues!! )